Results for 'J. H. Driver'

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  1.  21
    Substitutional-interstitial G.P. zones in nitrided Fe-Mo alloys.J. H. Driver, D. C. Unthank & K. H. Jack - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 26 (5):1227-1231.
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    New books. [REVIEW]J. J. C. Smart, C. W. K. Mundle, George Pitcher, G. R. Driver, John Arthur Passmore, J. H. S. Armstrong & Jon Wheatley - 1963 - Mind 72 (287):448-461.
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    On the effect of hydrogen on the elastic moduli and acoustic loss behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V.S. L. Driver, N. G. Jones, H. J. Stone, D. Rugg & M. A. Carpenter - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-17.
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    Conceptualizing Human–Nature Relationships: Implications of Human Exceptionalist Thinking for Sustainability and Conservation.Joan J. H. Kim, Nicole Betz, Brian Helmuth & John D. Coley - 2023 - Topics in Cognitive Science 15 (3):357-387.
    The ways in which people conceptualize the human–nature relationship have significant implications for proenvironmental values and attitudes, sustainable behavior, and environmental policy measures. Human exceptionalism (HE) is one such conceptual framework, involving the belief that humans and human societies exist independently of the ecosystems in which they are embedded, promoting a sharp ontological boundary between humans and the rest of the natural world. In this paper, we introduce HE in more depth, exploring the impact of HE on perceptions of the (...)
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    Ethics, Risk and Benefits Associated with Different Applications of Nanotechnology: a Comparison of Expert and Consumer Perceptions of Drivers of Societal Acceptance.L. J. Frewer, A. R. H. Fischer & N. Gupta - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (2):93-108.
    Examining those risk and benefit perceptions utilised in the formation of attitudes and opinions about emerging technologies such as nanotechnology can be useful for both industry and policy makers involved in their development, implementation and regulation. A broad range of different socio-psychological and affective factors may influence consumer responses to different applications of nanotechnology, including ethical concerns. A useful approach to identifying relevant consumer concerns and innovation priorities is to develop predictive constructs which can be used to differentiate applications of (...)
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    Historical Lessons on Vaccine Hesitancy: Smallpox, Polio, and Measles, and Implications for COVID-19.J. J. Eddy, H. A. Smith & J. E. Abrams - 2023 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 66 (1):145-159.
    Abstractabstract:Vaccine hesitancy continues to pose a formidable obstacle to increasing national COVID-19 vaccination rates in the US, but this is not the first time that American vaccination efforts have confronted resistance and apathy. This study examines the history of US vaccination efforts against smallpox, polio, and measles, highlighting persistent drivers of vaccine hesitancy as well as factors that helped overcome it. The research reveals that logistical barriers, negative portrayals in the media, and fears about safety stymied inoculation efforts as early (...)
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    Hospitals, Collaboration, and Community Health Improvement.Martha H. Somerville, Laura Seeff, Daniel Hale & Daniel J. O'Brien - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (S1):56-59.
    Medical care in the United States traditionally has focused on the treatment of disease rather than on its prevention. Heart disease, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and other chronic diseases are the primary drivers of American health care costs; compared to other high-income countries, U.S. health indices are lowest and costs are highest.A “triple aim” — “improving the individual experience of care, improving the health of populations, and reducing the per capita costs of care for populations” — has gained traction, as the (...)
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    Pathways towards coexistence with large carnivores in production systems.L. Boronyak, B. Jacobs, A. Wallach, J. McManus, S. Stone, S. Stevenson, B. Smuts & H. Zaranek - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):47-64.
    Coexistence between livestock grazing and carnivores in rangelands is a major challenge in terms of sustainable agriculture, animal welfare, species conservation and ecosystem function. Many effective non-lethal tools exist to protect livestock from predation, yet their adoption remains limited. Using a social-ecological transformations framework, we present two qualitative models that depict transformative change in rangelands grazing. Developed through participatory processes with stakeholders from South Africa and the United States of America, the models articulate drivers of change and the essential pathways (...)
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    Understanding Stigmatisation: Results of a Qualitative Formative Study with Adolescents and Adults in DR Congo.Kim Hartog, Ruth M. H. Peters & Mark J. D. Jordans - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (2):805-828.
    While stigmatisation is universal, stigma research in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) is limited. LMIC stigma research predominantly concerns health-related stigma, primarily regarding HIV/AIDS or mental illness from an adult perspective. While there are commonalities in stigmatisation, there are also contextual differences. The aim of this study in DR Congo (DRC), as a formative part in the development of a common stigma reduction intervention, was to gain insight into the commonalities and differences of stigma drivers (triggers of stigmatisation), facilitators (factors (...)
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    Teaching Innovations in Principle-Based Ethics Education.Michaela Driver & James J. Hoffman - 2022 - Teaching Ethics 22 (2):193-200.
    This article discusses the integration of principle-based ethics into business ethics education. It explains how several pedagogical innovations were successfully undertaken in over 20 business ethics courses taught since 2018 to enhance active student engagement with a principle-based ethical framework central to decision making in the complex environment that many organizations face on a day-to-day basis. The teaching initiatives used include case-based projects and discussions, a personal code of ethics developed by each student, and an arts-inspired presentation as well as (...)
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  11. HARRIS, GW-Agent-Centered Morality.J. Driver - 2001 - Philosophical Books 42 (3):217-219.
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    Metaquestions.J. L. Driver - 1984 - Noûs 18 (2):299-309.
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  13. The role of spatial working memory deficits in pathological search by neglect patients.J. Driver & M. Husain - 2002 - In Hans-Otto Karnath, David Milner & Giuseppe Vallar, The Cognitive and Neural Bases of Spatial Neglect. Oxford University Press. pp. 351--362.
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  14.  33
    The Metaphysics of Beauty.J. Driver - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (4):535-536.
  15.  89
    (1 other version)Biological principles.J. H. Woodger - 1930 - Mind 39 (155):403-405.
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  16. What's So Logical about the “Logical” Axioms?J. H. Harris - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (2-3):159 - 171.
    Intuitionists and classical logicians use in common a large number of the logical axioms, even though they supposedly mean different things by the logical connectives and quantifiers — conquans for short. But Wittgenstein says The meaning of a word is its use in the language. We prove that in a definite sense the intuitionistic axioms do indeed characterize the logical conquans, both for the intuitionist and the classical logician.
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  17. (1 other version)From biology to mathematics.J. H. Woodger - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (9):1-21.
  18. Is the grain of vision finer than the grain of attention? Response to Block.J. H. Taylor - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):20-28.
    In many theories in contemporary philosophy of mind, attention is constitutively linked to phenomenal consciousness. Ned Block has recently argued that ‘identity crowding’ provides an example of subjects consciously seeing something to which they are unable to attend. Here I examine the reasons that Block gives for thinking that this is a case of a consciously perceived item that we are unable to attend to, and I offer a different interpretation.
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  19. The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology.J. H. Brooke, F. Watts & R. R. Manning (eds.) - 2013 - Oxford Up.
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    Saphêneia in Aristotle:'Clarity','Precision', and 'Knowledge'.J. H. Lesher - 2010 - Apeiron 43 (4):143-156.
  21. (1 other version)Science without properties.J. H. Woodger - 1951 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 2 (7):193-216.
  22. Utilitarianism and Reform: Social Theory and Social Change, 1750–1800.J. H. Burns - 1989 - Utilitas 1 (2):211-225.
    The object of this article is to examine, with the work of Jeremy Bentham as the principal example, one strand in the complex pattern of European social theory during the second half of the eighteenth century. This was of course the period not only of the American and French revolutions, but of the culmination of the movements of thought constituting what we know as the Enlightenment. Like all great historical episodes, the Enlightenment was both the fulfilment of long-established processes and (...)
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    Orestes and the Argive Alliance.J. H. Quincey - 1964 - Classical Quarterly 14 (2):190-206.
    Tragic allusions to contemporary events are not, as a rule, taken on trust, but the Eumenides of Aeschylus provides three notable exceptions. The view that the Athenian-Argive alliance of 462 B.C. is reflected in Eum. 287–91, 667–73, anc^ 762–74 has won wide acceptance, although no systematic theory of the relation between the drama and the historical context has yet been advanced. If demonstration in detail has been wanting, the view seems to be supported by three general considerations. In the first (...)
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  24. Biology and Language. An Introduction to the Methodology of the Biological Sciences including Medicine.J. H. Woodger - 1953 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 4 (16):339-344.
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    The pragmatics of programming languages.J. H. Connolly & D. J. Cooke - 2004 - Semiotica 2004 (151).
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    A General View of Positivism.J. H. Bridges (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    In A General View of Positivism French philosopher Auguste Comte gives an overview of his social philosophy known as Positivism. Comte, credited with coining the term 'sociology' and one of the first to argue for it as a science, is concerned with reform, progress and the problem of social order in society. In this English edition of the work, published in 1865, he addresses the practical problems of implementing his philosophy or doctrine, as he also refers to Positivism, into society. (...)
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  27. Biology and physics.J. H. Woodger - 1960 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 11 (42):89-100.
  28. What do we mean by 'inborn'?J. H. Woodger - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (12):319-326.
  29.  12
    The Medea of Euripides.J. H. Wheeler & A. W. Verrall - 1882 - American Journal of Philology 3 (11):340.
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    (1 other version)Just as in battle.J. H. Lesher - 2010 - Ancient Philosophy 30 (1):95-105.
  31. (1 other version)No Duty to Obey the State: Reply to Barnett.J. H. Huebert - 2005 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 19 (4):79.
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  32. To clone or not to clone--a Jewish perspective.J. H. Lipschutz - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (2):105-107.
    Many new reproductive methods such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilisation, freezing of human embryos, and surrogate motherhood were at first widely condemned but are now seen in Western society as not just ethically and morally acceptable, but beneficial in that they allow otherwise infertile couples to have children. The idea of human cloning was also quickly condemned but debate is now emerging. This article examines cloning from a Jewish perspective and finds evidence to support the view that there is (...)
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  33. A reply to professor Haldane.J. H. Woodger - 1956 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 7 (26):149-155.
    Woodger discusses what he claims to be haldane's misunderstandings about his article "what do we mean by unborn?" these include primarily the structure of woodger's definitions. (staff).
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    Many-termed relations in biology.J. H. Woodger - 1968 - Acta Biotheoretica 18 (1-4):125-132.
  35.  26
    Physics, Psychology and Medicine: A Methodological Essay.J. H. Woodger - 1957 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 8 (29):67-70.
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  36. Is there a moral end?J. H. Muirhead - 1928 - Mind 37 (148):485-488.
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  37. Utilitarianism and democracy.J. H. Burns - 1959 - Philosophical Quarterly 9 (35):168-171.
  38. `Proper objects'.J. H. Woodger - 1956 - Mind 65 (260):510-515.
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    (1 other version)The structure of strong collision-free hydromagnetic waves.J. H. Adlam & J. E. Allen - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (29):448-455.
  40.  17
    Jona: Die rekonstruksie van 'n karakter.J. H. Barkhuizen - 1988 - HTS Theological Studies 44 (1).
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    Linguistiese grondslae van moderne teksinterpretasie.J. H. Barkhuizen - 1982 - HTS Theological Studies 38 (4).
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    Maine de Biran: Reformer of Empiricism--1766-1824.J. H. Brumfitt - 1962 - Philosophical Quarterly 12 (46):90.
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    The French Enlightenment.J. H. Brumfitt - 1972 - London,: Macmillan.
    There are three significant questions which may be asked about the Enlightenment, as about any similar phenomenon: what? whence? and whither? This is a short general survey of this important movement in the history of ideas, which would combine some account of the historical and social background with a closer look at the thought of the more outstanding individuals.
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    Lanczos Superpotential for Kinnersley Spacetimes.J. H. Caltenco, J. López-Bonilla, G. Ovando & J. M. Rivera - 2002 - Apeiron 9 (1):38.
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  45.  19
    “Normal” is not the issue: It is “effective” goal attainment that counts.J. H. Carr & R. B. Shepherd - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):72-73.
  46.  80
    Ephesus, Athens, Alexandria.J. H. Crehan - 1938 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 13 (1):96-110.
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  47. Santayana's Philosophy of Religion.J. H. Faurot - 1959 - Hibbert Journal 58:258.
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    What is History of Philosophy?J. H. Faurot - 1969 - The Monist 53 (4):642-655.
    There are many things which may legitimately be called history of philosophy. My concern is not to enumerate these. When I ask, “What is history of philosophy?” I am raising questions of importance and relevance rather than questions of fact. I mean to inquire what history of philosophy must be if it is to meet at the same time the historian’s demand for accuracy and the philosopher’s demand for significance.
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  49. EO WILSON, The Creation, ISBN 978-0-39306217-1.J. H. Y. Fehige - 2008 - Theologie Und Philosophie 83 (4):600.
  50. Stuart McCook, States of Nature: Science, Agriculture and Environment in the Spanish Caribbean, 1760-1940.J. H. Galloway - 2004 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 7:112-114.
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